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DOAV Honors Virginia’s Top Eagles Pilots

Below is the speech that Greg Campbell, Director of the Virginia Department of Aviation (DOAV) gave on August 9, 2024 at the Virginia Aviation Board Meeting in Chantilly, VA. The DOAV honored Virginia’s three “Top Eagles” who have flown the most Young Eagles in the Commonwealth.

Many pilots would tell you that one of the greatest gifts they could give in aviation is sharing their love of flying with the next generation. The EAA Young Eagles program is designed to do just that – matching pilots with children to give them their first ride in an airplane. Nationally since 1992, the Young Eagles program has flown 2.3 million young people – all of them for free. These flights are made possible through the generosity of EAA member volunteers.

Today, I have the honor of introducing three individuals who truly went above and beyond the calling of this wonderful program. These three “Top Eagles” flew the most children in Virginia during the past 12 months. They gave their time and skills to help introduce and inspire kids in the world of aviation. The Top Eagles Award program is a way for all of us in the Commonwealth to give our thanks to these selfless volunteers.

It gives me great pleasure to announce 2024’s Top Eagle Award recipients.

Virginia’s Third Most Active, Top Eagle Pilot is Michael Cottle.

  • Michael flew 47 Young Eagles in the Commonwealth. Thank you, Michael, and congratulations.

Virginia’s Second Most Active, Top Eagle Pilot is Chris Berg.

  • Chris flew 51 Young Eagles in the Commonwealth. Thank you, Chris, and congratulations.

And Virginia’s Most Active Top Eagle Pilot for 2024 is Dennis Funkhouser.

  • Dennis flew 53 Young Eagles in the Commonwealth. Thank you, Dennis, and congratulations.

I want to thank these Top Eagles, who collectively flew 151 Young Eagles, as well as all the pilots who willingly shared their time, skills and resources to help spark an interest in our next generation of aviation leaders. We are forever grateful for all that you have done. Thank you so very much!


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