Summer Transportation Institute Program Held at VSU

The Virginia Department of Aviation participated in the annual Summer Transportation Institute program at Virginia State University. The purpose of the program is to create awareness and stimulate interest in secondary school students to take maximum advantage of the opportunities that exist in the transportation industry.

DOAV Public Relations and Education staff worked with 15 high school students over the course of four days to provide a variety of educational aviation opportunities. The team presented classroom lessons on how airplanes fly, discussed various aviation careers with the students and used aeronautical charts for a hands-on learning activity.

The Virginia Department of Aviation provided Delta Dart airplane kits and helped students throughout the process of building the airplanes. Once construction was completed, a contest was held to determine which student could fly their airplane for the longest period.

The ICON A5 Introduction to Flight team also traveled to VSU as part of the Summer Transportation Institute program. PR and Education staff led a presentation about the light sport amphibious aircraft while each student had the opportunity to sit in the ICON A5 and operate the controls. Learning how to fly with the DOAV flight simulator was a favorite experience for many students.

On the final day of the program, staff accompanied the group to the Shannon Air Museum. The trip served as a great immersion experience for the students to see the history of flight and the advances that have been made in aviation over the years. Students were also able to view the Virginia Aviation Hall of Fame that was created to honor Virginians who have made significant and lasting contributions to aviation.

July 2, 2024

Article provided by: David Halstead, Public Relations and Education Coordinator

Contact: 804-236-3630 or email

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