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Aviation Events Held Across the Commonwealth

The ICON A5 Introduction to Flight team visited Laurel Lane Elementary in Williamsburg, VA. The Public Relations and Education staff spoke with 374 K-5 students about aviation and possible careers in the field.

The team arrived with its amphibious aircraft on April 18 and was greeted by a welcoming committee of excited students and teachers. The educational program for each class lasted 45 minutes with students learning about forces of flight and how airplanes fly. Each child had the opportunity to look inside the aircraft and ask questions about the controls and the ICON A5.

The visit was the perfect hands-on learning experience for the students and it coincided with their classroom lessons about forces and motion, simple machines and measurement. Students were also exposed to different career paths in the industry, including becoming a pilot, air traffic controller or aircraft mechanic.

“Students left the program wanting to know and do more with airplanes,” program organizer Katie Plum said. “They wanted to know what else they could do next! Our school is grateful for the partnerships with the Virginia Department of Aviation and Williamsburg Jamestown Airport to support our students’ understanding of the aviation world around them.”

Each student received a wooden balsa airplane to build as well as an airplane eraser and pencil. Teachers were given Virginia aviation calendars and provided with more information about aviation education programs offered by the Virginia Department of Aviation. The educators at Laurel Lane Elementary were grateful for the opportunity to bring learning to life and appreciative of the efforts of the DOAV staff.

“Other organizations and schools should absolutely invite the ICON A5 program to visit,” Plum said. “When students can see something, tangibly experience it, and talk with knowledgeable experts, the path ahead becomes real. Educators have a responsibility to introduce students to the world around them, and the ICON A5 program brings the world of aviation to our doorsteps.”

For more information on how to get this free program to your school or local airport, email

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