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Ambassador Ceremony to be held at Hummel Air Field

The Virginia Department of Aviation (DOAV) is celebrating the residents of the Commonwealth that have reached Gold Level status in the Virginia Aviation Ambassador’s Program in the past year. On Saturday, September 30, at 11 am, the DOAV will hold their annual Ambassador’s Ceremony at Hummel Air Field’s “Wings, Wheels, and Keels” event.

Reaching Gold Level status is not an easy task. One must visit all of Virginia’s 65 public-use airports, at least four of Virginia’s air museums, attend a DOAV supported Fly-In, and attend a safety seminar. Proof of all of these accomplishments are stamped into a DOAV Ambassador’s passport and reviewed by the department upon completion. When all of the stamps are reviewed, the Ambassador is awarded a genuine leather flight jacket provided by the Commonwealth of Virginia.

As of the time of this writing, 26 people have reached Gold Level this year.

Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to fly into an airport to receive a stamp. All participants that request a stamp must be present to receive credit. Questions about the program can be sent to Tony Sotelo at

“Wings, Wheels, and Keels” is also an opportunity to obtain one the program’s most coveted achievements – the Fly-In stamp. Just look for the DOAV’s white event trailer during Hummel’s meet and present your passport to our staff to qualify.

All our welcome to attend. We’ll see you at Hummel!

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