ICON A5 Visit with Young Eagles

The ICON A5 Introduction to Flight Team traveled to Richmond Executive-Chesterfield County Airport on Friday, August 18 to visit with a group of youth from the Carol Adams Foundation. The visit coincided with EAA Chapter 231 hosting Young Eagles flights for 16 participants.

The youth had a morning full of aviation activities as they had a hands-on learning experience with the ICON A5 aircraft. Public Relations and Education staff Tony Sotelo and David Halstead led the presentation and explained the flight controls while each student was seated in the aircraft. The team explained how airplanes fly and answered questions from the youth.

The participants then had the opportunity to go flying in a general aviation airplane with a member of the EAA. It was the first chance for many to fly and become inspired about the world of aviation. Following their flights, each of the youth received a certificate detailing their accomplishments.

The ICON A5 is an amphibious light sport aircraft that the DOAV PR and Education Team takes across the Commonwealth of Virginia to educate youth about aviation. For more information on how to get this free program to your school or local airport, email betty.willson@doav.virginia.gov.

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