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Airport Licensing
Airport licenses are issued for both public- and private-use airports. Requirements for licensing and registration vary depending on airport utilization.
The Airport Services Division provides resources and guidance on behalf of the Virginia Department of Aviation.
Public-use Airport Licensing
Public-use airports are required to be licensed with DOAV under Code of Virginia §5.1-7 and Virginia Administrative Code 24VAC5-20-120 et seq. The public-use airport license identifies a facility that is open to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis, has sufficient financial responsibility to adequately protect public safety and investment, and is eligible to receive public financial support.
Details on airport licensing are available in the Airport Program Manual, Chapter 12, Licensing of Public-use Airports.
Private-use Airport Licensing and Registration
Private-use airports, heliports, or landing areas within five miles of a public-use airport must apply for a private-use landing area license. A one-time process provides review of an individual’s request to build a private-use facility on private property. No fee is charged to license a private-use airport.
If a private-use airport, heliport, or landing area is not within five miles of a public-use airport, the owner is required to register the private use airport with DOAV. No fee is charged to register a private-use airport.