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General Aviation Airport Security

DOAV Supports general aviation airport security through the certification program and work by AOPA, Virginia Fusion Center, and TSA.

The Airport Services Division provides resources and guidance on behalf of the Virginia Department of Aviation. 

Point of Contact

Public-use Airports

ASD Engineers

DOAV’s General Aviation Airport Voluntary Security Certification Program

The General Aviation Airport Voluntary Security Certification Program assists general aviation airport sponsors to improve security and prevent unlawful activity at airports. DOAV provides funding for projects to support certification.

Details on the program are available in the Airport Program Manual, Chapter 11, General Aviation Airport Voluntary Security Certification Program and Chapter 7 Voluntary Security Program.


AOPA's Airport Watch Program

A toll-free national government hotline (1-866-GA-SECURE or 1-866-427-3287) has been in operation since December of 2002. The hotline is staffed 24/7 by the TSA’s Transportation Security Operation Center (TSOC). This program provides a fast way to report any suspicious activity on an airport.

Virginia Fusion Center Reporting

A fusion center is a collaborative effort of state and federal agencies working in conjunction with local partners to share resources, expertise, and/or information to better identify, detect, prevent, and respond to terrorist and criminal activity utilizing an all crimes/all hazards approach. Fusion centers were created after 9/11 as a mechanism to mitigate intelligence gaps and readily share intelligence across all levels of local, state, and federal partners

Suspicious activity in Virginia should be reported to the Virginia Fusion Center by phone at 877-4VA-TIPS or 877-482-8477 or online at

Transportation Security Administration Guidelines

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) offers Security Guidelines for General Aviation Airport Operators and Users to provide general aviation airport sponsors and users with recommendations regarding general aviation security concepts, technology, and enhancements. The guidelines include security best practices and methodology for determining when and where enhancements would be appropriate.

The guidelines are available at June 2021 Security Guidelines.pdf.

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