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Aviation Clubs and Organizations
If you are active in Aviation or want to be; organizations meet regularly throughout the year. You can attend a meeting and even become a member of a local Aviation club. Here are some of the Aviation clubs possibly in your area:
- Experimental Aircraft Association: is an international organization of aviation enthusiasts based in Oshkosh, Wisconsin with eleven (11) chapters in Virginia.
- The Ninety-Nines: is an international organization of women pilots with four (4) chapters in Virginia.
- The Civil Air Patrol: is a congressionally chartered, federally supported non-profit corporation that serves as the official civilian auxiliary of the United States Air Force. It is a volunteer organization with an aviation-minded membership who support three missions: emergency services, aerospace education, and cadet programs.
- Virginia Aeronautical Historical Society’s mission is to inspire and capture the imagination by connecting people with the story of air and space in Virginia.
Calendar Events for 2024 |
Commemorative Air Force’s Old Dominion SquadronGarmin 010-02173-11 Venu, GPS Smartwatch June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on second Saturday) Commemorative Air Force Old Dominion Squadron holds monthly membership meetings on the second Saturday of each month (except December). These meetings are open to the public. Each monthly meeting begins at 10:00 a.m. at Franklin Municipal Airport (FKN) April through October (Old Dominion Squadron hangar or airport terminal building’s conference room) and Hampton Roads Executive Airport (PVG) in Chesapeake November through March in the airport terminal building’s conference room. For more information, view the brochure or visit www.OldDominionSquadron.org. |
Experimental Aircraft Association 1031 June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on second Wednesday) EAA Chapter 1031 meets every second Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Hangar 42, OKV 491 Airport Rd , Winchester, Virginia 22602 |
Experimental Aircraft Association 186 June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on fourth Saturday) EAA Chapter 186 usually meets every fourth Saturday at our Chapter House on the Manassas Airport (KHEF) just south of the control tower. Chapter House
Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter 231 June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on second Thursday) EAA Chapter 231 meets at 6:15 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month in the 2nd floor conference room of the Chesterfield County/Richmond Executive Airport. The day/time may change periodically so check the website calendar for specific dates and times. |
Experimental Aircraft Association 1202 June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on second Saturday) EAA Chapter 1202 meets every second Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Farmville Regional Airport (FVX), Terminal Bldg. 130 Wedgewood Dr, Farmville, Virginia 23901 |
Experimental Aircraft Association 156 June 01 – December 31, 2019 (occurs monthly on third Tuesday) EAA Chapter 1202 meets every second Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Farmville Regional Airport (FVX), Terminal Bldg. 130 Wedgewood Dr, Farmville, Virginia 23901 |
Experimental Aircraft Association 339 June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on first Tuesday) EAA Chapter 339 meets every first Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Volvo Penta Training Facility |
Experimental Aircraft Association 511 June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on third Tuesday) EAA Chapter 511 meets every third Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport |
Friends of the Petersburg Pilots Association Breakfast June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on third Saturday) The Friends of the Petersburg Pilots Association hold a breakfast from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. on the third Saturday of each month at the Dinwiddie County Airport. For more information call (804) 861-9915. |
National Capitol Squadron of the Commemorative Air Force June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on second Saturday) The National Capitol Squadron of the Commemorative Air Force, based at Culpeper Regional Airport, holds a hangar open house on the second Saturday of each month. The organization is focused on World War II aircraft and honoring past and present veterans and, more specifically, the aviation history of the 1940’s. For more information visit capitalwing.org |
Ninety-Nines – Hampton Roads Chapter June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on first Monday) The Hampton Roads Chapter of the Ninety-Nines meets the first Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. alternating between Newport News-Williamsburg International Airport and Norfolk International Airport. For more information, contact Linda Mathias (757) 268-1022 or Diana Curtis 757 877-6803. |
Ninety-Nines – Old Dominion Chapter June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on third Monday) The Old Dominion Chapter of the Ninety-Nines meets the third Monday of each month at various locations. All women pilots and student pilots are invited to attend. For more information call Susan Passmore at 703-328-2051. See the website at http://www.olddominion99s.com. |
Ninety-Nines – Shenandoah Chapter June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on third Sunday) The Shenandoah Valley Chapter of the Ninety-Nines meets the third Sunday of each month at 2:00 p.m. at the Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport. All women pilots and student pilots are welcome. Contact Sara Fultz (540) 896-9842 or Jackie Estes (540) 347-5679, to confirm meeting date in the event of late changes. |
Ninety-Nines – Virginia Chapter June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on third Saturday) The Virginia Chapter of the Ninety-Nines meets the third Saturday of each month at various airports around the state. All women pilots and student pilots are invited to attend. For more information contact Barbara Headley at (804) 580-4624 or (804) 347-7592 or barbaraheadley@hughes.net. |
Pancake Breakfast at Franklin Municipal Airport June 01 – November 30 (occurs monthly on fourth Saturday) A Pancake Breakfast at Franklin Municipal Airport takes place on the fourth Saturday of each month except December. Sponsored by the Commemorative Air Force’s Old Dominion Squadron and EAA Chapter 339, each pancake breakfast takes place in the Old Dominion Squadron’s hangar (Hangar 4) from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. The cost per person is a $7.00 donation. For more information, e-mail OldDominionSquadron@yahoo.com. |
Peninsula Airport Commission Meetings June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on third Thursday) Peninsula Airport Commission Meetings are held the fourth Thursday of every month beginning at 8:00 a.m. in the Commission Room at the Newport News-Williamsburg International Airport. The meeting is open to the public. |
The Orange County Airport Boosters Association, Inc. (OCABA) June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on first Saturday) The Orange County Airport Boosters Association, Inc. (OCABA) holds its monthly organization meeting on the first Saturday of each month. Welcome to all supporters of Orange County Airport (KOMH). |
Tidewater Virginia UAV UAB and Drone Club June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on first Sunday) Tidewater Virginia UAV UAB and Drone Club monthly meetings take place at 1:00 p.m. the first Sunday of every month at Williamsburg Jamestown Airport. John Sutton, Drone Club President. Visitors are welcome. |
Virginia Aeronautical Historical Society – Northern Neck-Middle Peninsula C June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on third Thursday) The Northern Neck-Middle Peninsula Chapter of the Virginia Aeronautical Historical Society meets at the Pilot House, Hummel Field, in Topping, Virginia in the “Eagle’s Nest” at 12 Noon on the third Thursday of each month unless otherwise posted. Pilots can fly-in and park at the door of the restaurant. Visitors are welcome at these luncheon meetings. There is an interesting speaker from the field of aviation each month. Come visit the “Eagle’s Nest” at any time and see the collection of aviation art and other memorabilia. |
Virginia Wing Civil Air Patrol Meetings Virginia Wing Civil Air Patrol Meetings The Virginia Wing of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP is a volunteer organization for Emergency Services, Aerospace Education, and Cadet Programs). Cadets must be at least 12 years old and not yet 19 years old. Adults fly missions, support missions, support the cadet program, and support the aerospace education program. Less than a fifth of all CAP members are pilots or aircrew members. Individuals with just about any career or background are found in the ranks of the CAP adult membership. Educators can join as an Aerospace Education Member (AEM) of the Civil Air Patrol and enjoy many free aerospace/STEM educational opportunities. There are 22 individual squadrons across the Commonwealth of Virginia, in four groups. Composite squadrons consist of adult and youth members from diverse backgrounds, volunteering together to serve our community, state, and nation. |
Williamsburg Chapter of the Virginia Aeronautical Historical Society June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on third Wednesday) Williamsburg Chapter of the Virginia Aeronautical Historical Society meets the third Wednesday of each month at the Williamsburg-Jamestown Airport in the upstairs meeting room at 10:00 a.m. Call (757) 229-1597 or (757) 220-9115 for information. |
Wingnuts Flying Club June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on first Tuesday) Wingnuts Flying Club meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Chesterfield County Airport terminal building. |
Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 1099 June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on first Tuesday) EAA Chapter 1099 meets at 7:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month at Dogwood Air Park in Fredericksburg. For more information go to www.eaa1099.org, e-mail info@eaa1099.org or call Lindy Kirkland at (540) 903-7580. |
Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 1563 June 01 – December 31 (occurs monthly on third Saturday) EAA Chapter 1563 meets at 11:00 a.m. until noon on the 3rd Saturday of each month. There is a short business meeting followed by a presentation by a member or program director of an interesting tool, process, and/or safety issue followed by hangar flying. For more information go to www.eaa1563.org or email leadership@eaa1563.org |
Experimental Aircraft Association 646 December 31 2019 – January 31, 2020 (occurs monthly on third Tuesday) EAA Chapter 646 meets every third Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. Famous Anthony’s |