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Planning, Engineering, and Technology Services

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Airport Services Division

Our Airport Services Division provides technical assistance and expertise to assist eligible airport sponsors with a variety of improvement activities that range from planning to construction. The division manages funding programs for improvement projects and supports activities to enhance safe airport environments. 

The Airport Services Division is divided into 3 primary areas of focus:

Our ASD planners and engineers are assigned to each airport as primary points of contact for planning and engineering services. The team is also responsible for managing:

Planning and Environmental Services

Provides planning and environmental guidance to airport sponsors and managers; federal, state, and local officials; and other stakeholders.

Engineering Services

Provides design and construction engineering guidance to airport sponsors and managers, consultants, local governments, and other stakeholders.

Facilities and Technology Services

Serves as the division’s lead for new technology initiatives such as UAS and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) projects and manages DOAV’s system of state-owned NAVAIDs.

Project Portfolio

Provides a snap shot of current and recently completed projects showcasing a big picture view of what we do..

Aviation Programs and Resources

Provides oversight and access to a variety of funding programs and resources for airport facilities and sponsors.

Planning and Environmental Services

The Planning and Environmental Section provides planning and environmental guidance to airport sponsors and managers; federal, state, and local officials; and other stakeholders. The planners assist sponsors with planning, environmental compliance, land acquisition, and terminal building conceptual projects; they manage grants for these projects. A primary function of the section is assisting airport sponsors in the develop their Six-Year Airport Capital Improvement Plans (ACIP’s). Other core section functions are to review and approve master plans and to facilitate environmental resource actions, including the circularization of airspace studies, utility applications, local land-use and permitting requests, and Coastal Zone Resource Management (CZRM) requests.

The section is responsible for developing and maintaining the Virginia Continuous Airport System Planning Program (VCASP), which includes statewide projects such as the Virginia Air Transportation System Plan (VATSP), economic impact studies, pavement management studies, and other projects of statewide and national aviation interests. The section provides expertise to multimodal planning efforts and other aviation policy matters at all levels of government.

Planning and Environmental Services
Engineering Services

Engineering Services

The Engineering Section provides design and construction engineering guidance to airport sponsors and managers, consultants, local governments, and other stakeholders. The engineers assist with the development of Six-Year Airport Capital Improvement Plans (ACIP’s) and review and approve plans, specifications, contracts, and other documents related to capital improvement projects. They manage funding for capital design and construction, maintenance, and security projects. The engineers also handle public-use airport licensing, which includes verifying conformance to state licensing regulations, and safety and obstruction inspections.

Facilities and Technology Services

The Facilities and Technology Section manages the agency’s facilities and equipment inventory provided for public-use airports, which includes air navigation (NAVAID) facilities, radio navigational and visual aids, lighting, and communications equipment. This section licenses and registers private use airports and heliports. The section serves as the division’s lead for new technology initiatives such as UAS and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) projects.
Facilities and Technology Services

More About Our Team

Vernon Carter

Deputy Director, Airport Services

Our division director leads our team’s strategic efforts to manage funding programs and efficient delivery of services.
Our planners assist sponsors with planning, environmental compliance, land acquisition, and terminal building conceptual projects.
Rusty Harrington

Chief Planner

Stephen Smiley

Senior Planner

Bill LaManque

Senior Planner

Our engineers provide guidance for capital design and construction, maintenance, and security projects.
John Hart

Chief Engineer

Maria Ferello

Airport Engineer

Amy Wells

Airport Engineer

Witt Moncure

Airport Engineer

Facilities and Technology Services

Our Facilities and Technology Manager oversees the agency’s facilities and equipment inventory and serves as the lead for new technology initiatives.

Aviation Program Services

Our Aviation Program Manager oversees the capital funding program, tracks legislative initiatives, analyzes impacts to our funding, and manages terminal projects.

Grant Program Services

Our coordinator processes grants, amendments, and reimbursement requests and manages funding program compliance.

Alton Jordan

Chief - Facilities/Technology

Mike Swain

Senior Program Manager - Aviation Programs

Susan Simmers

Grant Manager

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